The Spot and The Seed
April 12, 2017

Inspired by Paul Klee’s Bauhaus lessons, the workshop aims to show children how everything can start from a single spot, a single seed. The spot, serving as a seed in our painting, sprouts and becomes a beautiful tree with branches spreading towards the sun and roots deepening towards the ground.

Through this process the workshop aims to make children feel like the seed with the unlimited possibilities to grow into anything they want and at the same time create strong roots to form a unique and original personality. Paul Klee in his inspiring lessons, talks about a single small seed that grows up and sprouts, just as a spot can grow into a line!

Paul Klee was a Swiss-German artist and one of the most celebrated artists of the 20th century. He taught a variety of courses as a faculty member of the Bauhaus school from 1921 to 1931 and his lectures, published as the “Paul Klee Notebooks”, are considered as important for modern art as Leonardo da Vinci‘s “A Treatise on Painting” for the Renaissance.